Terms of use


The First Rule of Copyright

Creators should only post videos that they created or have permission to use. That means they shouldn't upload videos they didn't make or utilise content in their videos that someone else has the copyright to, such as music tracks, excerpts of copyrighted programmes, or videos created by other users, unless they have the appropriate permissions

Meaning of Fair Use

Fair use is a US statute that enables the reproduction of copyright-protected material in certain circumstances without the copyright owner's permission. Fair use, on the other hand, is decided on a case-by-case basis, and various nations have different rules concerning whether it's permissible to use material without the consent of the copyright owner. Uses for criticism, review, quote, parody, caricature, and pastiche may be considered fair dealing in the United Kingdom, although it depends on the circumstances.

Making Copyrights Claim

The Copyright Management Process on Virtuesio are available to everyone, and they provide rightsholders management over their copyrighted content on the platform. Based on the size of their copyrighted content on Virtuesio and the resources they've invested to safely managing their content online, we work with rightsholders to connect them to appropriate services. Our Copyright Management Process gives rightsholders a variety of options for filing copyright claims.